Client Integration Information
Workflows > Endpoints > Client Settings > Client Integration Information
Purpose: Retrieve client integration priveliges.
This endpoint is recommended to be used in conjunction with any other workflow when integrating with Go. Using this endpoint, information about the client integration can be retreived, listing the current access privelige state for a client.
The primary use case is to help the integrating party understand why the error code "forbidden" is returned, if it is unexpected. All api access priveliges are related to a PowerOffice Go module subscription, and a clients current subscriptions will be listed using this endpoint.
The general usecase of this endpoint is to list the priveliges the integration have.
Description of core flow
Retreive the client integration information
If any invalid priveliges are present because of a lack of subscriptions, take appropriate measures by contacting the client or the clients accountant.
No prerequisites, this endpoint require no access privelige to be used (but requires authorization)
Related Workflows
General relevance for most api workflows