Sales Settings

Workflows > Endpoints > Client Settings > Sales Settings

Purpose: Retrieve details of the client sales settings. Retreive, create or update payment terms and delivery terms used on sales orders and invoicing.

These endpoints are typically used in cases where the sales settings information is needed in order to post sales orders to Go. It might also be relevant to retreive the settings to supplement information in reporting workflows.



A) Synchronize payment terms:

  • Synchronize to Go:

    1. Check whether the payment term already exists in Go

    2. Create or update information

  • Synchronize from Go

    1. Check if there are any new or updated payment terms in Go

    2. Retreive the desired fields and information

B) Synchronize delivery terms:

  • Synchronize to Go:

    1. Check whether the delivery term already exists in Go

    2. Create or update information

  • Synchronize from Go

    1. Check if there are any new or updated delivery terms in Go

    2. Retreive the desired fields and information


  • Access to the CommonServices access privelige

  • The client need at least one active subscription of a PowerOffice Go module

  • Posting sales orders to Go

  • Creating customer objects
