Workflows > Endpoints > Dimension Entities > Projects
Purpose: Retrieve or update project details.
This workflow is typically used in cases where the project dimension is of relevance for transactions posted to or retreived from Go. It is also needed in cases where the integrating party need to synchronize project information to make sure that PowerOffice Go and their own systems have the same information about their project.
Note that projects as a dimension, are comparable to the other dimensions in terms of the simple usage of setting a dimension on transactions (that can be grouped in reporting). However, the project object contain many fields and different setup's, primarily related to timetracking workflows. This is described in separate articles linked below under related workflows.
A project can have subprojects, if applicable for the workflow and the clients use. When creating a subproject, this is done by adding the projectcode of the main project, when the subproject is created (ie the main project must first exist). To set and assign a subproject on transactions, this is done by using the notation "<main project code>.<subproject code>" (ie. the codes are separated by "." (dot)).
Example of how subproject is created and set on transaction:
A project is created in Go, with the code "123ABC". This project is to have a subproject "1A"
The subproject is created by setting the code "1A", and setting the parent project code to "123ABC" in the api request
When setting the subproject on a transaction i Go, this is done by using the code "123ABC.1A" (combination of the parent projects code, and the subprojects code - separated by "."(dot)).
Because of this logic, the "." (dot) is reserved by the system and cannot be used in project code string's when creating or patching projects.
Regardless of the direction of the data flow, we highly recommend that the integrating party store the Id's of the PowerOffice objects. In general, the id's of all the various PowerOffice entities are the preferred mapping key, as they are uniquely assigned by the system and cannot be changed.
Description of the core flow
Synchronize to Go:
Check whether the project object already exists in Go
Create or update information
Synchronize from Go
Check if there are any new or newly updated projects in Go
Retrieve the desired fields and information
Access to the Project access privelige
The client need at least one active subscription of a PowerOffice Go module
Related workflows:
General relevance for most api workflows if project is used as a dimension
Full description of project options for timetracking related workflows: LINK
Projects is one of the available dimensions that can be used on transactions i Go, for reporting purposes (ie grouping transactions on given projects when reporting). Projects are typically interpreted and used for time restricted tasks with specific purposes (ie construction project, R&D project, consultant project etc.), but the dimension can be used for the information the client see fit in order to structure the reporting for their usage.