Salary Lines
Workflows > Endpoints > Payroll > Salary Lines
Purpose: Creating salary lines on clients.
This workflow is typically used in cases involving external timetracking systems, HR related workflows or generally systems with information relevant for payrolls in Go. A salary line contain payroll information that can be included on an upcoming payroll generated in Go.
Examples of relevant data for using salary lines:
Timetracking entries for employees with hourly wage*
Allowances and remuneration (norwegian examples: Verkt?ygodtgj?relse, kveldstillegg etc.)
Car usage (allowance for kilometers driven, relevant for car record systems)
In general, this service is not meant for reporting purposes. GET endpoints are included, but will only produce responses for salary lines your integration have created with this endpoint for a given client.
Salary lines can be changed (PATCH) or deleted, provided they are not yet included on a payroll draft or completed payroll. If they are included on a payroll, the salary lines is locked for editing.
If salary lines are deleted by users in the user interface in Go, they are soft deleted and you can still retrieve them (and info about user deletion) via the api. If your integration delete (your) salary lines, this is a hard delete.
Regardless of the direction of the data flow, we highly recommend that the integrating party store the Ids of the PowerOffice objects. In general, the id's of all the various PowerOffice entities are the preferred mapping key, as they are uniquely assigned by the system and cannot be changed.
*Timetracking entries can optionally be transferred to the Timetracking module in Go, connecting to Payroll via the Go Timetracking module. This is a different workflow and more advanced use case heavily depended on the user need. The primary purpose of this alternative is to have all timetracking information in relevant timetracking- and project reports in Go. If not applicable, it is considerably easier to transfer timetracking payroll information as salary lines.

Description of core flow
Synchronize to Go:
Check whether the relevant salary line referenced objects already exists in Go
Create or update salary lines to Go
Synchronize from Go
Retrieve your salary lines
Update or handle the information according to the need
Access to the salary lines access privelige
Access to the pay items access privelige
Access to the employee endpoint
The client need an active subscription of the PowerOffice Go Payroll module
Related workflows
Transferring timetracking entries to Go
Reporting timetransactions from Go
Salary line: A line containing payroll information that can be included on an upcoming payroll generated in Go. Transferred lines (or lines imported manually via file) will be in a staging state "ready for payroll" in Go. The user creating a payroll in Go may chose to include the lines or not in a particular payroll, but the system will suggest to include the lines until the line is either included on a payroll or deletet (thus removing the state "ready for payroll").