Voucher Approval*
Workflows > Endpoints > Voucher Workflows > Voucher Approval
Purpose: Service for retrieving information on journal entry voucher drafts sent to the integration for handling, and posting back an approval state to Go for the given vouchers, for further handling or posting of the voucher in Go. The voucher details can be retrieved using the JournalEntryVoucher endpoints corresponding with the voucher type.
* This is a specialized workflow. To implement, please reach out to the API team to discuss your specific use cases and obtain access permissions. It is important to clarify the supported voucher types as part of this discussion to ensure compatibility and optimal integration.
The endpoints connect the integrating party with the voucher approval workflow and settings in Go. Once the integration is activated on a client, access privileges will set the integrating party as an available user in the client's approval settings, allowing for the integrating party to be an integral part of the journal entry voucher approval workflow in Go.
Example of some relevant use cases:
Approval steps needed in the integrated system (for instance if the project managers etc mainly operate within the external system)
Supplementing the voucher draft with data available only in the integrated system (for instance dimension references)
3-way match of supplier invoices from Go with purchase orders & inventory received
Note that the workflow operate on journal entry voucher drafts, i.e. unposted vouchers. The vouchers will be finalized and posted in Go, depending on the setup on the client. This is abstracted from the integrating party.
The workflow currently support supplier vouchers (incoming invoices or incoming credit notes), but will be expanded to other voucher type as we release new voucher types in the journal entry vouchers service. It is important that you contact and discuss your intended workflow with the api team, as the team need to set the correct priveliges for your integration. We also recommend that you consider the details in our usecase decriptions of the approval workflow (link til main page for approval workflow usecases)

Retreive vouchers for approval from Go:
Check if any new vouchers are sent to your integration for approval*
Retrieve the voucher details using the journal entry voucher endpoint that correspond with the voucher type sent to approval
Retrieve the page images and/or EHF xml using the journal entry voucher endpoints
Optionally: make changes or update the voucher with the journal entry vouchers endpoint corresponding with the voucher type
Approve or optionally reject the voucher when your process is completed**
* Important note: The endpoint includes a filtering option to request only new approval events, and this might be usefull when polling for new vouchers for approval. You should, however, include an unfiltered request once a while, in order to crossreference that your integration still is the current approver of the vouchers. Users in Go have on option of returning the voucher to Go (meaning you no longer have the voucher for approval), and the approval settings also support a mechanism for automatically returning a vocher after x number of days. If your integration is no longer the approver, you will no longer have access to perform any of the steps in point 2-5 above.
** Read here for more explanation of the various rules and validation for the voucher approval workflow where Go is the access point.
Access to the VoucherApproval access privelige
Access to the JournalEntryVouchers access privelige
The client need an active subscription of an accounting module of PowerOffice Go
The use cases need to be discussed with the api team - please contact us if this workflow is relevant for your integration. The supported voucher types need to be clarified
Related workflows:
Dimension endpoints to supplement information
Contact and contact related endpoints to supplement information
Approval workflow: Go support setting up an approval workflow, letting clients set rules determining which user(s) should approve various voucher types, and how many "layers" of approval that is needed under different terms.