Workflows > Endpoints > Contacts
Contacts consist of customers, employees and suppliers, and related sub entities such as bankaccounts and contact persons.
Customers, employees and suppliers all share the same baseobject in Go. A contact may be both a customer and a supplier, in which case the Id is shared between the customer and the supplier. Despite similarities and a shared base, the objects have separate endpoints.

Workflow for creating, updating or retrieving customer details.
Relevant in conjunction with many different workflows, such as the order and outgoing invoice flow among others. Customer workflow is also relevant for reporting related workflows.
Workflow for creating, updating or retrieving supplier details.
Relevant in conjunction with many different workflows, such as incoming invoice flow, among others. Supplier information is also relevant for reporting related workflows.

Workflow for creating, updating or retrieving employee details.
Relevant in conjunction with many different workflows, such as timetracking and payroll, among others. Employee information is also relevant for reporting related workflows. Note that salary details and employment releationships are not exposed in the api.
Contact Group
Workflow for creating, updating or retrieving contact groups.
Can be relevant in conjunction with workflows updating contacts (customers/employees/suppliers). Contacts can be assigned to contact groups, primarily for filtering and reporting purposes.

Contact Persons
Workflow for creating, updating or retrieving contact persons associated with contact objects.
Can be relevant in conjunction with workflows updating customer or supplier contacts.

Contact Delivery Adresses
Workflow for creating, updating or retrieving delivery addresses associated with contact objects.
Can be relevant in conjunction with workflows updating customer or supplier contacts, and in some cases emplyoee contacts.

Employments *
Workflow for creating, updating or retrieving employment details for employees.
Relevant in conjunction payroll and HR-related workflows. Endpoints are split and governed by several access privileges, in order to minimize the need for sensitive data access in various use cases and workflows.
* Specialized workflow, contact the api team to discuss your use case(s) and to get access.