Voucher Posting *
Workflows > Endpoints > Voucher Workflows > Voucher Posting
Purpose: Posting vouchers directly to Go, bypassing the journal entry workflow
* Some endpoints, related to incoming supplier invoices in particular, might be subject of our current restrictions of use . If in doubt, please contact the api team to discuss your intended workflow.
This workflow is typically used in cases where relevant vouchers originate from an external system, and the voucher with transactions need to be posted to Go, with no need for further approval or adjustments in Go. The workflow will directly create a posted voucher with transactions, bypassing the journal entry workflow in Go.
The endpoints and corresponding access priveliges needed, reflect some of the different voucher types available to use in Go. We also provide an endpoint for adding pdf documentation to the vouchers created, in ordrer for users in Go to have the voucher document available in Go.
Examples of relevant use cases:
Point of sales systems that need to transfer end of day sales
External invoice systems (webshops, POS, CRM etc) where the invoices and the sales transactions need to be posted to Go
Financial closing and reporting, transferring end of year closing transactions to Go
Specialized industry systems, transferring incoming invoices to Go (non-EHF, related to purchase order processing etc)
Transferring payment transactions from external payment sources
We also provide an endpoint to initiate a reversal of a posted voucher. Can be used if, for some reason, a voucher is created and posted with the wrong information (in broad terms). When a reversal of the voucher is triggered, the system will automatically create a new voucher of the type reversal, with the opposite amounts, thus nulling the original in terms of accounting effects. Reversal can only be used on vouchers the integrating party have created.

Description of the core workflow
Check that all enteties referenced on the voucher exist in Go (subledger accounts, general ledger accounts, dimensions etc.), and if needed create or update the entities
Transfer and post the voucher to Go, using the relevant endpoint for your voucher type. Store the id returned.
Optionally: Use the id and transfer a pdf file to connect documentation to the posted voucher
Access to the relevant endpoint for your relevant voucher type to transfer
Access to any needed endpoints involving related sub entities
The client need an active subscription of one of the accounting modules in Go
Related workflows:
Journal entry workflow: Users in Go receive voucher drafts in a dedicated view and workflow, where they can editing the voucher information and (optionally) send the voucher to other users for approval, before the voucher and transactions are finalised and posted.
Directly posting the voucher: Bypasses the journal entry workflow, and directly creates the voucher and transactions in the general ledger (or subledger, if applicable), with no user involvment (in Go).
Voucher types: Vouchers are classified into different types in Go, for instance "incoming invoices", "outgoing invoices", "bank journals" etc. The types determine the available information that can be set on the vouchers, define a common usage/accounting event, and can be used to sort an filter information in various reports in Go.