Guidelines and best practices

Support and maintenance

Customer support

We expect you to provide the 1.line of support to the customers, regarding all questions related to the integration. Avoid directing customers to PowerOffice support. You should handle the first steps of support, and if help is needed from PowerOffice we prefer that you contact us directly. If you contact us, you should include as much relevant information as possible in order for us to quickly assess the case. This includes, but are not limited to:

  • ClientId of the client in question (NB! this is the identifier of the client, not related to the clientkey. The clientkey is a secret you should never share). Name or organization number will work as well.

  • Id's of data objects, if the case is trying to PATCH, GET or DELETE entities

  • Error messages

  • Timestamps of requests, and preferably the json request itself with both the url and body

  • Provide a brief description of the issue and the steps involved.

Provide well documented processes of "getting started" and "how to" to the customers, as this may reduce any support needed when getting started. This includes any settings needed in PowerOffice Go, settings in the integrated system, and any prerequesites of use.

Error messages

Present your users with the error responses from our api, along with your own message. All our endpoints should provide error codes and a specific message explaining the error. You should log the errors and have them accessible for your users. The error response from us is an important piece of information if you do need to contact us about any issues.

Technical troubleshooting

Should you have any issues with your integration and unexpected errors, we generally recommend that you try using tools such as Postman , in order to first identify whether the problem resides in your solution or with our api. If api requests work as intended when testing with such tools (i.e. Postman), we appreciate that you look into your own integration solution before you contact us.

If you do not log your api request and the content of the request, we highly recommend that you enable logging (if so temporarily). The generally most effective way of troubleshooting is to verify what you actually send in the api request.

Compliance with accounting rules

Keep in mind that you integrate with an accounting system. Not all workflows affect the accounting directly, but if your workflow does, you are responsible for integrating in a way that do not violate compliance of the accounting rules and regulations. We do not offer accounting adwice as part of our api support and our initial dialogue with parties integrating with Go. Whenever possible, you should allways involve a pilot customer and their accountant if you have questions regarding the accounting effect of your particular workflow. We can, however, offer general insight and highligt issues - we are happy to be involved in processes that include accountants and customers.

An example of an area with particular considerations, is e-commerce - and specifically how to practically handle the sales document of webshop sales. These are not considerations specific to PowerOffice Go, but a general aspect of e-commerce as one might consider the rules and regulations of e-commerce as less clear, when compared with other sales areas.


Keep your integration up to date with our api features, and comply with recommended changes if any directives are given by us. Keep your integration up to date in terms of the technology you use. Maintain and update the documentation of your integration, and keep us informed of any relevant changes (ie. changes in our registered contact persons for your integration). This includes changes in logo, new url's etc, for those integrations that are published on our website.


If the customer terminates their customer relation with you, this should include terminating the customer's client integration. The customer should (and have the ability) to deactivate or remove the integration from their Go client. You should ensure that you also have processes of removing the client integration from your end (ie removing the clientkey).

Beyond the scope of the clientkey, how you otherwise handle the customers data is subject to your own terms and agreement with the customer.


If your integrations are meant for general use of many customers, we offer to tag your integrations as "public", and market the integration on our webpage - if you wish to do so. You can read more about the process here. With the exception of workflows with restrictions, we offer marketing on our website free of charge. How you choose to commercialize the integration in your end, is up to you. We do however, raise the bar in terms of what we expect from you if we market your integration. We then expect a high standard of compliance with our guidelines and best practices, and especially how our customers are supported by you.